Doggy NewsDoggy Training

Choosing The Right Dog Breed For Your Family

A short guide for helping you choose the right breed for your family.

Bringing a new furry friend into your family can be an exciting and fulfilling experience. However, with so many dog breeds to choose from, it's important to consider certain factors to ensure you find the perfect fit for your family. From temperament to size and energy levels, each breed comes with its own unique characteristics. To help you make an informed decision, here are some key tips to consider when choosing the right dog breed for your family.

Lifestyle and Energy Levels

One of the most crucial factors to consider before choosing a dog breed is your family's lifestyle and energy levels. Some dog breeds are naturally more energetic and require plenty of exercise and mental stimulation. If your family leads an active lifestyle and enjoys outdoor activities, then a breed like a Labrador Retriever or a Viszla might be suitable for you. On the other hand, if you have a calmer household and prefer more low-key activities, a breed with lower energy levels like a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel might be a better fit.

Size and Space

Another important consideration is the size of the dog breed and the space you have available. Larger breeds, such as Great Danes or St. Bernards, require more space to roam and may not be well-suited for small apartments or houses with limited outdoor areas. If you have limited space, it may be more appropriate to choose a smaller breed, such as a Beagle or a West Highland Terrier, which can adapt to living in a smaller living environment.

Allergies and Shedding

If any family members have allergies, it's essential to consider a dog breed that is hypoallergenic or has minimal shedding. Breeds such as Poodles, Bichon Frises, or Schnauzers are known for being hypoallergenic, as they have hair instead of fur. These breeds shed less dander and are less likely to cause allergic reactions. However, it's important to note that no breed is completely hypoallergenic, as allergies can vary from person to person.

Temperament and Compatibility

The temperament of a dog breed is a significant factor when choosing a companion for your family. Some breeds are better suited for families with children, while others may be more suitable for households with older adults. It's crucial to research and understand a breed's typical temperament before making a decision. Breeds such as Golden Retrievers and Labrador Retrievers are known for being friendly, patient, and great with children, while certain smaller breeds like Chihuahuas or spaniels may be more prone to aggression or anxiety.

Grooming and Care

Different breeds also have varying grooming requirements, which is something to consider depending on your time and willingness to invest in regular grooming and care. Breeds with longer hair or hair that continuously grows, such as Poodles or Shih Tzus, may require more frequent grooming sessions and haircuts. If you prefer minimal grooming, a breed with a short coat like Labradors or Boxers might be more suitable.

Consulting with dog trainers & behaviourists

Take the time to seek advice from dog trainers and behaviourists. They have extensive knowledge and experience with various breeds, and can provide valuable insights to help you make the right choice. They can assess your family's needs and recommend suitable breeds based on their expertise.

Once you have decided on the right breed for you;

Contacting breeders;
In the UK, to breed dogs, one must be licensed by their local council. You can check a dog breeding licence number and name by contacting the council or looking up their name on its website. You can also search the Kennel Club website and Champdogs. Ask lots and lots of questions about temperament, health tests, living arrangements, can you meet the parents. On the flip side of this you should also expect to be asked lots of questions to. Always request to go and visit puppies prior to pick up. If you are told this is not possible this should be a huge red flag to you.


Whatever breed you choose they will need to be taught how to go outside to toilet, how to learn to sleep in a new place, how to walk nicely on a lead. Puppies do not come pre programmed to understand what our agendas are as humans. Training will take time and it is important to invest in good positive reinforcement training to help build trust and confidence with your new addition.

In conclusion, choosing the right dog breed for your family requires careful consideration of various factors. It's essential to match the breed's characteristics with your family's lifestyle, energy levels, and preferences. By researching breeds, consulting with experts, and considering the needs of your family, you can find a loyal and loving companion that will bring joy and happiness to your household for years to come. You puppy is going to spend 12-15 years of their life with you-maybe more if you are lucky. You owe it to them and to yourself to do your due diligence. Once you have decided on the right breed for you, you might enjoy our blog 8 top tips for choosing the right puppy for you HERE

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